Sammie’s Tail Part 31
Well, Sammie and Bettinna seem to be BFFs, but also they seem to be fighting. I think they challenge each other to see who is alpha. Sammie is the boss usually. Sometimes when they play or fight it seems so rough, they bang against the walls and then Bettinna or Sammie yelps out. Sigh! Lately this goes on every morning before I feed them.
One day I see Bettinna on top of Sammie. Usually Bettinna lies down and Sammie is on top. Well thenext 3 days I thought something was wrong with Sammie. I figured she was no longer dominant. She sulked around the house, her tail was low, she slinked around like she was afraid, she did not eat much. Which is definitely not like her, as she loves her food. She sulked before when I left for a few days during our earl days together. I guess this is part of her personality.
Thank goodness she came out of it.

It is interesting, but they are my kids, and I am so tuned in to them and them to us. Wow.
I have a new logo for the shop as since we are so musical I thought it would be good to have a guitar and a star hair doo on Sammie. Bettinna’s is coming shortly.
Anyway, mostly they get along, they eat each others food. But without low snarls and growls they must be playing and/or doing the territory conquer thing.
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