Sammie’s Tail Part 6
She came close to me each day as I moved the food closer. I sometime didn’t feed her first and began using treats and create a trail towards me. This way she could come closer and closer to me each day and trust me. This was the beginning and seemed to be working.
She looked like she had one blind eye, but could still see through her good one. She was a beautiful solid black color. I think black cats are amazing and so beautiful. I don’t know where the problem came with cats, was it Halloween tradition? There is only good luck with black cats as far as I am concerned. They are just as beautiful as any other cat. For some reason, I hear they are hard to adopt, because of the stigma and superstition about them. From my experience, they are good luck and like all cats, they have unique look about them, just as people do and have different colored hair just like people do. I hope this bad view goes away one day.
I decided to name her Sammie. We were not sure if she was a girl or boy, but because of her small size, we thought she was a girl. I don’t have my own children and have never had a pet before due to our family allergies, well, except for turtles, hamsters and fish.
Also, Samantha was one of my favorite names, so Sammie was good. I changed the spelling as I felt this was feminine.
We kept the routine up of feeding Sammie every day at the same time. Meanwhile, calling the town or asking questions to my friend and people. As I kept using the treats to entice her to come closer, she did. At this point we planned to keep her outside and comfortable.
See the picture of Sammie the first place we began feeding her and then when we set up a nice location for her to have an outside home. At this point, we planned to keep her outside and make her comfortable.
The little house would keep her warm in the winter, so we picked that up, as well as some straw from Michael’s. My friend Margaret was there to take all my questions, plus I began to drop in on the animal shelter and ask questions there too, in fact I visited a few places, hoping to get advice and learn.
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